Install Meilisearch locally

    You can install Meilisearch locally or deploy it over a cloud service.

    Meilisearch Cloud

    Meilisearch Cloud greatly simplifies installing, maintaining, and updating Meilisearch. Get started with a 14-day free trial.

    Take a look at our Meilisearch Cloud tutorial for more information on setting up and using Meilisearch's cloud service.

    Local installation

    Download the latest stable release of Meilisearch with cURL.

    Launch Meilisearch to start the server.

    # Install Meilisearch
    curl -L | sh
    # Launch Meilisearch

    Other cloud services

    To deploy Meilisearch on a third-party cloud service, follow one of our dedicated guides:

    Installing older versions of Meilisearch

    We discourage the use of older Meilisearch versions. Before installing an older version, please contact support to check if the latest version might work as well.

    Download the binary of a specific version under "Assets" on our GitHub changelog.

    # Replace {meilisearch_version} and {meilisearch_os} with the specific version and OS you want to download
    # For example, if you want to download v1.0 on macOS,
    # replace {meilisearch_version} and {meilisearch_os} with v1.0 and meilisearch-macos-amd64 respectively
    curl -OL{meilisearch_version}/{meilisearch_os}
    # Rename binary to meilisearch. Replace {meilisearch_os} with the name of the downloaded binary
    mv {meilisearch_os} meilisearch
    # Give the binary execute permission
    chmod +x meilisearch
    # Launch Meilisearch