Configuring index settings with the Meilisearch Cloud interface

    This tutorial will show you how to check and change an index setting using the Meilisearch Cloud interface.


    Accessing a project's index settings

    Log into your Meilisearch account and navigate to your project. Then, click on "Indexes":

    The main menu of the project view in the Meilisearch Cloud interface. Menu items include "Indexes" among other options such as "Settings" and "Analytics".

    Find the index you want to configure and click on its "Settings" button:

    A list of indexes in a Meilisearch Cloud project. It shows an index named "books" along with a few icons and buttons. One of these buttons is "Settings."

    Checking a setting's current value

    Using the menu on the left-hand side, click on "Attributes":

    The index configuration overview together with a menu with links to pages dedicated to various index settings.

    The first setting is "Searchable attributes" and lists all attributes in your dataset's documents:

    The "Searchable attributes" configuration section showing six attributes. One of them, "id" is this index's primary key.

    Clicking on other settings will show you similar interfaces that allow visualizing and editing all Meilisearch index settings.

    Updating a setting

    All documents include a primary key attribute. In most cases, this attribute does not contain information relevant for searches, so you can improve your application's search by explicitly removing it from the searchable attributes list.

    Find your primary key, then click on the bin icon:

    The same "Searchable attributes" list as before, with the bin-shaped "delete" icon highlighted.

    Meilisearch will display a pop-up window asking you to confirm you want to remove the attribute from the searchable attributes list. Click on "Yes, remove attribute":

    A pop-up window over the index settings interface. It reads: "Are you sure you want to remove the attribute id?" Below it are two buttons: "Cancel" and "Yes, remove attribute".

    Most updates to an index's settings will cause Meilisearch to re-index all its data. Wait a few moments until this operation is complete. You are not allowed to update any index settings during this time.

    Once Meilisearch finishes indexing, the primary key will no longer appear in the searchable attributes list:

    The same "Searchable attributes" list as before. It only contains five searchable attributes after removing the primary key.

    If you deleted the wrong attribute, click on "Add attributes" to add it back to the list. You may also click on "Reset to default", which will bring back the searchable list to its original state when you first added your first document to this index:

    The same "Searchable attributes" list as before. Two buttons on its top-right corner are highlighted: "Reset to default" and "Add attributes".


    You have used the Meilisearch Cloud interface to check the value of an index setting. This revealed an opportunity to improve your project's performance, so you updated this index setting to make your application better and more responsive.

    This tutorial used the "Searchable attributes" setting, but the procedure is the same no matter which index setting you are editing.

    What's next

    If you prefer to access the settings API directly through your console, you can also configure index settings using the Meilisearch Cloud API.

    For a comprehensive reference of all index settings, consult the settings API reference.