Using task webhooks

    This guide teaches you how to use webhooks to notify a URL when Meilisearch completed a task.


    Configure the webhook URL

    Restart your Meilisearch instance and provide the webhook URL to --task-webhook-URL:

    meilisearch --task-webhook-url http://localhost:8000

    You may also define the webhook URL with environment variables or in the configuration file with MEILI_TASK_WEBHOOK_URL.

    Optional: configure an authorization header

    Depending on your setup, you may need to provide an authorization header. Provide it to task-webhook-authorization-header:

    meilisearch --task-webhook-url http://localhost:8000 --task-webhook-authorization-header Bearer aSampleMasterKey

    Test the webhook

    A common asynchronous operation is adding or updating documents to an index. The following example adds a test document to our books index:

    curl \
      -X POST 'MEILISEARCH_URL/indexes/books/documents' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-binary '[
          "id": 1,
          "title": "Nuestra parte de noche",
          "author": "Mariana Enríquez"

    When Meilisearch finishes indexing this document, it will send a POST request the URL you configured with --task-webhook-url. The request body will be one or more task objects in ndjson format:


    If Meilisearch has batched multiple tasks, it will only trigger the webhook once all tasks in a batch are finished. In this case, the response payload will include all tasks, each separated by a new line:
