Configure search analytics

    Enable Meilisearch Cloud analytics to help you understand how users search in your application.

    This guide walks you through activating analytics, updating your project URL, and configuring all data points.


    You must have a Meilisearch Cloud account to access search analytics.

    Enable analytics in the project overview

    Log into your Meilisearch Cloud account and navigate to your project's overview. Find the "Analytics and monitoring" section and click on the "Enable analytics and monitoring" button:

    The analytics section of the project overview. It shows one button, "Enable analytics", and a short explanation of the feature.

    Meilisearch Cloud will begin processing your request. The "Analytics and monitoring" section will update when the feature is enabled.

    Monitoring and analytics

    Activating analytics will automatically activate monitoring.

    Update URLs in your application

    When you enable analytics, Meilisearch Cloud changes your project's API URL. Meilisearch Cloud is only able to track metrics for queries sent to this URL.

    Update your application so all API requests point to the new URL:

    curl \
      -X POST '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-binary '{ "q": "green socks" }'

    The previous API URL will remain functional, but requests targeting it will not send any data to the analytics interface. If you created any custom API keys using the previous URL, you will need to replace them.

    Configure click-through rate and average click position

    To track metrics like click-through rate and average click position, Meilisearch Cloud needs to know when users click on search results.

    Every time a user clicks on a search result, your application must send a click event to the POST endpoint of Meilisearch Cloud analytics route:

    curl \
      -X POST '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer DEFAULT_SEARCH_API_KEY' \
      --data-binary '{
        "eventType": "click",
        "eventName": "Search Result Clicked",
        "indexUid": "products",
        "objectId": "0",
        "position": 0

    By default, Meilisearch associates analytics events with the most recent search of the user who triggered them.

    For more information, consult the analytics events endpoint reference.

    Configure conversion rate

    To track conversion rate, first identify what should count as a conversion for your application. For example, in a web shop, a conversion might be a user finalizing the checkout process.

    Once you have established what counts as a conversion in your application, configure it to send a conversion event to the POST endpoint of Meilisearch Cloud analytics route:

    curl \
      -X POST '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer DEFAULT_SEARCH_API_KEY'
      --data-binary '{
        "eventType": "conversion",
        "eventName": "Product Added To Cart",
        "indexUid": "products",
        "objectId": "0",
        "position": 0

    By default, Meilisearch associates analytics events with the most recent search of the user who triggered them.

    It is not possible to associate multiple conversion events with the same search.

    For more information, consult the analytics events endpoint reference.