
    The /keys route allows you to create, manage, and delete API keys. To use these endpoints, you must first set the master key. Once a master key is set, you can access these endpoints by supplying it in the header of the request, or using API keys that have access to the keys.get, keys.create, keys.update, or keys.delete actions.


    Accessing the /keys route without setting a master key will throw a missing_master_key error.

    Key object

      "name": "Default Search API Key",
      "description": "Use it to search from the frontend code",
      "key": "0a6e572506c52ab0bd6195921575d23092b7f0c284ab4ac86d12346c33057f99",
      "uid": "74c9c733-3368-4738-bbe5-1d18a5fecb37",
      "actions": [
      "indexes": [
      "expiresAt": null,
      "createdAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z"


    Type: String
    Default value: null
    Description: A human-readable name for the key


    Type: String
    Default value: null
    Description: A description for the key. You can add any important information about the key here


    Type: String
    Default value: N/A
    Description: A uuid v4 to identify the API key. If not specified, it is automatically generated by Meilisearch


    Type: String
    Default value: N/A
    Description: An alphanumeric key value generated by Meilisearch by hashing the uid and the master key on API key creation. Used for authorization when making calls to a protected Meilisearch instance

    This value is also used as the {key} path variable to update, delete, or get a specific key.

    If the master key changes, all key values are automatically changed.

    Reusing API keys between instances

    Custom API keys are deterministic: key is a SHA256 hash of the uid and master key. To reuse custom API keys, launch the new instance with the same master key and recreate your API keys with the same uid.

    You cannot reuse default API keys between instances. Meilisearch automatically generates their uids the first time you launch an instance.


    Type: Array
    Default value: N/A
    Description: An array of API actions permitted for the key, represented as strings. API actions are only possible on authorized indexes. ["*"] for all actions.

    You can use * as a wildcard to access all endpoints for the documents, indexes, tasks, settings, stats and dumps actions. For example, documents.* gives access to all document actions.


    For security reasons, we do not recommend creating keys that can perform all actions.

    searchProvides access to both POST and GET search endpoints
    documents.addProvides access to the add documents and update documents endpoints
    documents.getProvides access to the get one document, get documents with POST, and get documents with GET endpoints
    documents.deleteProvides access to the delete one document, delete all documents, batch delete, and delete by filter endpoints
    indexes.createProvides access to the create index endpoint
    indexes.getProvides access to the get one index and list all indexes endpoints. Non-authorized indexes will be omitted from the response
    indexes.updateProvides access to the update index endpoint
    indexes.deleteProvides access to the delete index endpoint
    indexes.swapProvides access to the swap indexes endpoint. Non-authorized indexes will not be swapped
    tasks.getProvides access to the get one task and get tasks endpoints. Tasks from non-authorized indexes will be omitted from the response
    tasks.cancelProvides access to the cancel tasks endpoint. Tasks from non-authorized indexes will not be canceled
    tasks.deleteProvides access to the delete tasks endpoint. Tasks from non-authorized indexes will not be deleted
    settings.getProvides access to the get settings endpoint and equivalents for all subroutes
    settings.updateProvides access to the update settings and reset settings endpoints and equivalents for all subroutes
    stats.getProvides access to the get stats of an index endpoint and the get stats of all indexes endpoint. For the latter, non-authorized indexes are omitted from the response
    dumps.createProvides access to the create dump endpoint. Not restricted by indexes
    snapshots.createProvides access to the create snapshot endpoint. Not restricted by indexes
    versionProvides access to the get Meilisearch version endpoint
    keys.getProvides access to the get all keys endpoint
    keys.createProvides access to the create key endpoint
    keys.updateProvides access to the update key endpoint
    keys.deleteProvides access to the delete key endpoint
    network.getProvides access to the get the network object endpoint
    network.updateProvides access to the update the network object endpoint


    Type: Array
    Default value: N/A
    Description: An array of indexes the key is authorized to act on. Use["*"] for all indexes. Only the key's permitted actions can be used on these indexes.

    You can also use the * character as a wildcard by adding it at the end of a string. This allows an API key access to all index names starting with that string. For example, using "indexes": ["movie*"] will give the API key access to the movies and movie_ratings indexes.


    Type: String
    Default value: N/A
    Description: Date and time when the key will expire, represented in RFC 3339 format. null if the key never expires


    Once a key is past its expiresAt date, using it for API authorization will return an error.


    Type: String
    Default value: null
    Description: Date and time when the key was created, represented in RFC 3339 format


    Type: String
    Default value: null
    Description: Date and time when the key was last updated, represented in RFC 3339 format

    Get all keys


    Returns the 20 most recently created keys in a results array. Expired keys are included in the response, but deleted keys are not.

    Query parameters

    Results can be paginated using the offset and limit query parameters.

    Query ParameterDefault ValueDescription
    offset0Number of keys to skip
    limit20Number of keys to return


    resultsArrayAn array of key objects
    offsetIntegerNumber of keys skipped
    limitIntegerNumber of keys returned
    totalIntegerTotal number of API keys


    curl \
      -X GET 'MEILISEARCH_URL/keys?limit=3' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer MASTER_KEY'

    Response: 200 Ok

      "results": [
          "name": null,
          "description": "Manage documents: Products/Reviews API key",
          "key": "d0552b41536279a0ad88bd595327b96f01176a60c2243e906c52ac02375f9bc4",
          "uid": "6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d",
          "actions": [
          "indexes": [
          "expiresAt": "2021-12-31T23:59:59Z",
          "createdAt": "2021-10-12T00:00:00Z",
          "updatedAt": "2021-10-13T15:00:00Z"
          "name": "Default Search API Key",
          "description": "Use it to search from the frontend code",
          "key": "0a6e572506c52ab0bd6195921575d23092b7f0c284ab4ac86d12346c33057f99",
          "uid": "74c9c733-3368-4738-bbe5-1d18a5fecb37",
          "actions": [
          "indexes": [
          "expiresAt": null,
          "createdAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z",
          "updatedAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z"
          "name": "Default Admin API Key",
          "description": "Use it for anything that is not a search operation. Caution! Do not expose it on a public frontend",
          "key": "380689dd379232519a54d15935750cc7625620a2ea2fc06907cb40ba5b421b6f",
          "uid": "20f7e4c4-612c-4dd1-b783-7934cc038213",
          "actions": [
          "indexes": [
          "expiresAt": null,
          "createdAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z",
          "updatedAt": "2021-08-11T10:00:00Z"
      "offset": 0,
      "limit": 3,
      "total": 7

    API keys are displayed in descending order based on their createdAt date. This means that the most recently created keys appear first.

    Get one key


    Get information on the specified key. Attempting to use this endpoint with a non-existent or deleted key will result in an error.

    Path parameters

    A valid API key or uid is required.

    key *Stringkey value of the requested API key
    uid *Stringuid of the requested API key


    curl \
      -X GET 'MEILISEARCH_URL/keys/6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer MASTER_KEY'

    Response: 200 Ok

      "name": null,
      "description": "Add documents: Products API key",
      "key": "d0552b41536279a0ad88bd595327b96f01176a60c2243e906c52ac02375f9bc4",
      "uid": "6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d",
      "actions": [
      "indexes": [
      "expiresAt": "2021-11-13T00:00:00Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-11-12T10:00:00Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-11-12T10:00:00Z"

    For an explanation of these fields, see the key object.

    Create a key


    Create an API key with the provided description, permissions, and expiration date.


    NameTypeDefault valueDescription
    actions *ArrayN/AA list of API actions permitted for the key. ["*"] for all actions
    indexes *ArrayN/AAn array of indexes the key is authorized to act on. ["*"] for all indexes
    expiresAt *StringN/ADate and time when the key will expire, represented in RFC 3339 format. null if the key never expires
    nameStringnullA human-readable name for the key
    uidStringN/AA uuid v4 to identify the API key. If not specified, it is generated by Meilisearch
    descriptionStringnullAn optional description for the key


    curl \
      -X POST 'MEILISEARCH_URL/keys' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer MASTER_KEY' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-binary '{
        "description": "Add documents: Products API key",
        "actions": ["documents.add"],
        "indexes": ["products"],
        "expiresAt": "2042-04-02T00:42:42Z"

    Response: 201 Created

      "name": null,
      "description": "Manage documents: Products/Reviews API key",
      "key": "d0552b41536279a0ad88bd595327b96f01176a60c2243e906c52ac02375f9bc4",
      "uid": "6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d",
      "actions": [
      "indexes": [
      "expiresAt": "2021-11-13T00:00:00Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-11-12T10:00:00Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-11-12T10:00:00Z"

    Update a key


    Update the name and description of an API key.

    Updates to keys are partial. This means you should provide only the fields you intend to update, as any fields not present in the payload will remain unchanged.

    Path parameters

    A valid API key or uid is required.

    key *Stringkey value of the requested API key
    uid *Stringuid of the requested API key


    NameTypeDefault valueDescription
    nameStringnullA human-readable name for the key
    descriptionStringnullAn optional description for the key


    curl \
      -X PATCH 'MEILISEARCH_URL/keys/6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer MASTER_KEY' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-binary '{
        "name": "Products/Reviews API key",
        "description": "Manage documents: Products/Reviews API key"

    Response: 200 Ok

      "name": "Products/Reviews API key",
      "description": "Manage documents: Products/Reviews API key",
      "key": "d0552b41536279a0ad88bd595327b96f01176a60c2243e906c52ac02375f9bc4",
      "uid": "6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d",
      "actions": [
      "indexes": [
      "expiresAt": "2021-12-31T23:59:59Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-10-12T00:00:00Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-10-13T15:00:00Z"

    Delete a key


    Delete the specified API key.

    Path parameters

    A valid API key or uid is required.

    key *Stringkey value of the requested API key
    uid *Stringuid of the requested API key


    curl \
      -X DELETE 'MEILISEARCH_URL/keys/6062abda-a5aa-4414-ac91-ecd7944c0f8d' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer MASTER_KEY'

    Response: 204 No Content