Laravel Scout guide

    In this guide, you will see how to setup Laravel Scout to use Meilisearch in your Laravel 10 application.


    Before you start, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

    You will also need a Laravel application. If you don't have one, you can create a new one by running the following command:

    composer create-project laravel/laravel my-application

    Installing Laravel Scout

    Laravel comes with out-of-the-box full-text search capabilities via Laravel Scout.

    To enable it, navigate to your Laravel application directory and install Scout via the Composer package manager:

    composer require laravel/scout

    After installing Scout, you need to publish the Scout configuration file. You can do this by running the following artisan command:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"

    This command should create a new configuration file in your application directory: config/scout.php.

    Configuring the Laravel Scout driver

    Now you need to configure Laravel Scout to use the Meilisearch driver. First, install the dependencies required to use Scout with Meilisearch via Composer:

    composer require meilisearch/meilisearch-php http-interop/http-factory-guzzle

    Then, update the environment variables in your .env file:

    # Use the host below if you're running Meilisearch via Laravel Sail

    Local development

    Laravel’s official Docker development environment, Laravel Sail, comes with a Meilisearch service out-of-the-box. Please note that when running Meilisearch via Sail, Meilisearch’s host is http://meilisearch:7700 (instead of say, http://localhost:7700).


    Check out Docker Bridge network driver documentation for further detail.

    Running in production

    For production use cases, we recommend using a managed Meilisearch via Meilisearch Cloud. On Meilisearch Cloud, you can find your host URL in your project settings.

    If you prefer to self-host, read our guide for running Meilisearch in production.

    Making Eloquent models searchable

    With Scout installed and configured, add the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait to your Eloquent models to make them searchable. This trait will use Laravel’s model observers to keep the data in your model in sync with Meilisearch.

    Here’s an example model:

    namespace App\Models;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;
    class Contact extends Model
    	use Searchable;

    To configure which fields to store in Meilisearch, use the toSearchableArray method. You can use this technique to store a model and its relationships’ data in the same document.

    The example below shows how to store a model's relationships data in Meilisearch:

    namespace App\Models;
    use App\Models\Company;
    use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
    class Contact extends Model
        use Searchable;
        public function company(): BelongsTo
            return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);
        public function toSearchableArray(): array
    	      // All model attributes are made searchable
            $array = $this->toArray();
    		    // Then we add some additional fields
            $array['organization_id'] = $this->company->organization->id;
            $array['company_name'] = $this->company->name;
            $array['company_url'] = $this->company->url;
            return $array;

    Configuring filterable and sortable attributes

    Configure which attributes are filterable and sortable via your Meilisearch index settings.

    In Laravel, you can configure your index settings via the config/scout.php file:

    use App\Models\Contact;
    return [
    	  // Other Scout configuration...
        'meilisearch' => [
            'host' => env('MEILISEARCH_HOST', ''),
            'key' => env('MEILISEARCH_KEY'),
            'index-settings' => [
                Contact::class => [
                    'filterableAttributes' => ['organization_id'],
                    'sortableAttributes' => ['name', 'company_name']

    The example above updates Meilisearch index settings for the Contact model:

    After changing your index settings, you will need to synchronize your Scout index settings.

    Synchronizing your index settings

    To synchronize your index settings, run the following command:

    php artisan scout:sync-index-settings

    Example usage

    You built an example application to demonstrate how to use Meilisearch with Laravel Scout. It showcases an app-wide search in a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) application.

    Laravel Scout example application

    This demo application uses the following features:

    Of course, the code is open-sourced on Github. 🎉