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The easiest search engine on the market

Ensure maximum reliability and say goodbye to manual updates with Meilisearch Cloud.

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High reliability for business critical search needs

Ensure your infrastructure management is in safe hands


Outstanding developer experience

With simplicity and shared expertise of an open source community.


Fast deployment, quick ROI

With less developer overhead and high relevancy out of the box.


Infrastructure outsourcing

Allows internal teams to focus on core business instead of maintenance.


High availabilty

Guarantees the Read High Availability of the service with native support for clusterization.


Quick iterative product cycle

Combines the agility of a compact search engine backed up by a highly responsive team

Why our customers choose Meilisearch Cloud

Bookshop customer spotlight

Bookshop.org increased search-based purchases by 43%

  • A streamlined process that keeps the decision-makers involved
  • Quick iterative product cycle
  • Hosting and infrastructure maintenance in safe hands
HitPay customer spotlight

HitPay streamlines customers’ search capabilities while staying laser-focused on its core offering.

  • Easy to integrate
  • Developer experience
  • Higher out-of-the-box relevancy
Qogita customer spotlight

Qogita simplifies B2B trade with Meilisearch Cloud.

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Developer experience
  • Agile product delivery