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06 May 2020

MeiliSearch in production: taking it to the next level

Running MeiliSearch on your own machine for your weekend project is fun, let's agree on that. However, you may want to go live and deploy a project in production, to take it to the next level.

Samuel Jimenez
Samuel JimenezTeam Meilisearch
MeiliSearch in production: taking it to the next level

A quick introduction

Hopefully, you already know that MeiliSearch is a powerful and fast open-source search engine built in Rust. It was designed to provide users with a very useful and customizable search experience including out-of-the-box features such as typo-tolerance, filtering, and synonyms for any kind of project.

Running a Meilisearch instance for testing purposes is incredibly easy and can be done in many ways: using Docker, brew, aptitude, binaries, a simple curl, or even the source code. If you are new to MeiliSearch, we suggest that you take a tour around the documentation.

Using MeiliSearch on your own machine for your weekend project is fun, let's agree on that. However, you may want to go live and deploy a project in production, to take it to the next level. What steps and details would you need to deploy MeiliSearch in production and ensure it is safe and ready to use?

Get your MeiliSearch ready for production

For this tutorial, we will be using a Debian 10 server, running on DigitalOcean. You can easily try it on your own, with plans starting at $5/month. And if you want some credits to start running your MeiliSearch and are not already registered on DigitalOcean, you can get $100 for free using this referral link.


  • An up-to-date server that runs Debian 10
  • An ssh keypair to connect to that machine
  • MeiliSearch is a database which means that it needs a file system it can write to, and which must be persistent.

TIPS: learn how to connect via SSH to your DigitalOcean droplet or any Linux or windows server

Step 1: Install MeiliSearch

Installing and running MeiliSearch is easy and straightforward. In order to keep this tutorial as simple as possible, let's use a script that will carry out the installation process. It will copy a binary of MeiliSearch to your machine and enable you to use it immediately.

Once you are logged in into your machine via SSH, ensure your system and its dependencies are up-to-date before proceeding with the installation.

# Update the list of available packages and their versions $ apt update # Install curl which is required to install MeiliSearch in the next step $ apt install curl -y # Install MeiliSearch latest version from the script $ curl -L | sh

The different options to achieve a MeiliSearch installation are detailed in this guide.
It is important to know that there are different ways to get MeiliSearch running on your machine. As an open source project, you can always compile the latest stable release of MeiliSearch from the source code to ensure the binary uses your achitecture in the best possible way.

You can always check the latest MeiliSearch stable version, and get MeiliSearch for the Operating System of your choice, by visiting the following link:

Latest MeiliSearch Stable Version

MeiliSearch is finally installed and ready to use. To make it accessible from everywhere in your system, move the binary file into your system binaries folder:

# Move the MeiliSearch binary to your system binaries $ mv ./meilisearch /usr/bin/

You can now start using MeiliSearch! In your terminal, run:

$ meilisearch # --- Expected output for v0.10.1 --- 888b d888 d8b 888 d8b .d8888b. 888 8888b d8888 Y8P 888 Y8P d88P Y88b 888 88888b.d88888 888 Y88b. 888 888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888 888 888 "Y888b. .d88b. 8888b. 888d888 .d8888b 88888b. 888 Y888P 888 d8P Y8b 888 888 888 "Y88b. d8P Y8b "88b 888P" d88P" 888 "88b 888 Y8P 888 88888888 888 888 888 "888 88888888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 " 888 Y8b. 888 888 888 Y88b d88P Y8b. 888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 "Y8888 888 888 888 "Y8888P" "Y8888 "Y888888 888 "Y8888P 888 888 [2020-05-04T11:47:13Z INFO meilisearch] Database path: "./" [2020-05-04T11:47:13Z INFO meilisearch] Start server on: ""

Step 2: Run MeiliSearch as a service

In Linux environments, a service is a process that can be launched when the operating system is booting and which will keep running in the background. One of its biggest advantages is making your program available at any moment. Even if some execution problems or crashes occur, the service will be restarted and your program will be run again.

If you are new to services and systemd, you can learn more about the basics of Linux services here.

In Debian and other Linux distributions, systemd allows you to create and manage your own custom services. In order to make sure that MeiliSearch will always respond to your requests, you can build your own service. This way, you will ensure its availability in case of a crash or in case of system reboot. If any of these occur, systemd will automatically restart MeiliSearch.

2.1 Create a service file

Service files are text files that tell your operating system how to run your program, and when. They live in the /etc/systemd/system directory, and your system will load them at boot time. In this case, let's use a very simple service file that will run MeiliSearch on port 7700.

To run MeiliSearch in a production environment, use the --env flag. To generate a master key that will let MeiliSearch create reading and writing keys, use the --master-key flag. With those keys, you can easily control who can access or create new documents, indexes, or change the configuration. You can change the Master Key to any value in the following command. However, for security concerns, it's better to choose a safe and random key, never share it and, just, keep it safe.

$ cat << EOF >/etc/systemd/system/meilisearch.service [Unit] Description=MeiliSearch After=systemd-user-sessions.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/meilisearch --http-addr --env production --master-key Y0urVery-S3cureAp1K3y [Install] EOF

For more information on MeiliSearch authentication and API keys see the Authentication Docs. For more information on MeiliSearch options and flags see the MeiliSearch configuration options

As for now, it is not time yet to expose your MeiliSearch instance to the external world. To keep running it safely inside your own environment, make it available locally at This means that only programs running on your machine are allowed to make requests to your MeiliSearch instance.

2.2. Enable and start service

The service file you just built is all you need for creating your service. Now you must enable it to tell the operating system that we want it to run MeiliSearch at every boot. You can then start the service to make it run immediately. Ensure everything is working smoothly by checking the service status.

# Set the service meilisearch $ systemctl enable meilisearch # Start the meilisearch service $ systemctl start meilisearch # Verify that the service is actually running $ systemctl status meilisearch -# --- Expected output --- ● meilisearch.service - MeiliSearch Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/meilisearch.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-04-10 14:27:49 UTC; 1min 8s ago Main PID: 14960 (meilisearch)

At this point, MeiliSearch is installed and running. It is protected from eventual crashes, system restarts, and most of the problems it could find while running. But it is still hidden and protected inside the walls (or firewalls) of your machine, and unreachable from the outside world. You can stop here if all the requests you do to MeiliSearch are done by another application living in the same machine.

But you probably want to open your MeiliSearch to the outside world, and for now, it is isolated. Let's fix that in a safe way.

Step 3: Secure and finish your setup. Using a Reverse Proxy, domain name and HTTPS

It's time to safely make your brand new MeiliSearch available to be requested from the outside world. For this purpose, you will use two of the main technologies available on the web: a Reverse Proxy and SSL/TLS.

3.1. Creating a Reverse Proxy with Nginx

A reverse proxy is basically an application that will handle every communication between the outside world and your internal applications. Nginx will receive external HTTP requests and redirect them to MeiliSearch. When MeiliSearch has done its amazing job, it will communicate its response to Nginx, which will then transfer the latter to the user who originally sent the request. This is a common way to isolate and protect any application by adding a robust, secure, and fast gate-keeper such as Nginx, one of the safest and most efficient tools available online, and of course, open-source!

Reverse proxies are very useful regarding security, performance, scalability, and logging concerns. If you are new to Reverse proxies, you may enjoy this article explaining the why and the how of reverse proxies.

Configuring Nginx as a proxy server is really simple. First of all, install it on your machine.

# Install Nginx on Debian $ apt-get install nginx -y

First, deleting the default configuration file is important as the default port for HTTP, the port 80, is used by Nginx by default. Thus, trying to use it for MeiliSearch will create a conflict. Replace the default file by your own configuration file. You can also make MeiliSearch listen to another port by specifying it in the Nginx configuration file, but we will not cover this option in this tutorial.

# Delete the default configuration file for Nginx $ rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default # Add your configuration file specifying the Reverse Proxy settings $ cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/meilisearch server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name _; location / { proxy_pass; } } EOF

Finally, enable and start the Nginx service again to make sure it is still available.

# Reload the operating system daemons / services $ systemctl daemon-reload # Enable and start Nginx service $ systemctl enable nginx $ systemctl restart nginx

MeiliSearch is now up, deployed in a production environment, using a safe API key, and being served by a Reverse Proxy Nginx. You should now be able to send requests to your server from the outside world. Open your web browser and visit: (http://your-ip-address). The IP address is the same you used to connect to your machine via SSH in Step 1.

If you want to learn more about using Nginx as a Reverse Proxy, see this dedicated documentation.

The only remaining problem is that MeiliSearch processes requests via HTTP without any additional security. The content that is being transmitted over HTTP could easily be read or modified by attackers, and someone could get full or partial access to your data. In order to prevent this to happen, it's important to use the HTTPS, which will enable you to use a SSL/TLS certificate, and securely transmit data.

3.2. Set up SSL/TLS for your MeiliSearch

SSL will let the user or client establish an authenticated connection to MeiliSearch. In this way, a user can verify server's identity before sending sensitive data or making any request to it. Then, data is sent in an encrypted way that only MeiliSearch server will be able to decrypt, providing you a fast, reliable, and automatic layer of security.

In most cases, when enabling SSL, you may want to use your own domain name (or a sub-domain). The first step you need to follow is to register your own domain name and change the DNS records. To make your domain name point to your newly installed MeiliSearch server, you just need to add an A record pointing to the IP address used to connect to your own server. This process is simple and fast but can vary for every domain name provider. Thus, we will not cover that process in this article.

When you register a domain name and add an A record, you should be automatically able to request MeiliSearch directly by using that domain name.
To illustrate this, if you had registered your domain name, requesting indexes would be done at

Once your domain name has been set up, you are ready to configure SSL/TLS and use HTTPS. You have two different options to achieve this goal. The first one is using Certbot, an amazing, free, and very easy to use tool. If you already have SSL certificates issued from a Certificate Authority or CA for your domain name, the second option covers the steps you need to follow. Then, you will be ready to use MeiliSearch safely in production!

3.2. Option A: Certbot

Using certbot in your Linux server is very easy and straightforward. This tool will generate a free SSL/TLS certificate for your domain name, and automatically handle its installation on your server. The certbot documentation contains detailed instructions for many operating systems and servers, but we will follow the instructions for Certbot on Debian with Nginx.

First of all, install the packages on your system:

$ sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx -y

Let's run the Certbot script to be guided through the installation process:

certbot --nginx

Enter your email address, agree to the Terms and Conditions, and input your domain name. You will then be prompted with these options:

Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration. 2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this change by editing your web server's configuration.

We recommend that you choose option 2, to redirect HTTP to HTTPS and always use a secure connection. You should be able to request your domain name with SSL as in or

3.2. Option B: Custom SSL/TLS Certificates

When a Certificate Authority issues a SSL certificate for you, you receive at least two files with encrypted keys:

  • Your certificate (commonly named your_domain_name.pem or example.pem)
  • Your key (commonly named your_domain_name.key or example.key)

example.pem and example.key will be used in the following examples. Make sure to replace example by the names of your own certificate files.

All you need to do is store the certificate files in a secure location and use appropriate file system security permissions. Then, set the location of the certificates in Nginx configuration. It is also strongly recommended to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS (port 80 to 443).

First, let's copy your certificate files in their conventional directory so the server can find them:

# Create a directory /etc/ssl/example to store the certificate files $ mkdir -p /etc/ssl/example # Move your files to /etc/ssl/example. We will suppose that your # files are called example.pem and example.key $ mv path-to-your-files/example.pem /etc/ssl/example/ $ mv path-to-your-files/example.key /etc/ssl/example/

Finally, we create a new Nginx configuration file, and restart the daemons and Nginx service

Remember to replace in both server_name fields with your own domain name

# Replace in both `server_name` fields with your own domain name $ cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/meilisearch server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name; return 301 https://\$server_name\$request_uri; } server { server_name; location / { proxy_pass; } listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on; listen 443 ssl; access_log /var/log/nginx/nginx.vhost.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/nginx.vhost.error.log; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/example/example.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/example/example.key; } EOF $ systemctl restart nginx

Your SSL certificates should be working and Nginx should be able to find them. Every request to will now be redirected to


You have followed the main steps to provide a safe and stable service. Your MeiliSearch instance should be up and running, in a safe environment and ready to stay available even when the most common issues occur. In addition, it is protected by a reverse proxy with your own domain name and API key, so your data and configuration are accessible only to trusted clients. Communication with your server is now encrypted. Furthermore, its identity will be verified every time before sending sensitive data in a fast and automated manner.

You are now ready to start using your Production-ready MeiliSearch!